Thursday, 26 January 2012

25/01/12 employability and Soaftware Analalysis and computer systems

this week and last week i have been doing the assignment for the employability for it this is includinding this blog.
this blog is to tell people what i have been doing in college and let the world see how good the college is.
well since my last blog i have been looking at the computer motherboards in the computer systems lesson. a mother board is a piece if silicon that is inside the computer the mother board is the brain of the computer it holds all the CPU, RAM and all of the hardware.

in computer systems we have a computer that is our own and we have to take bits off and put it back together and make sure it works as it did before we touched it.
in software analysis and design i have been doing computer systems i have had a funny day as we took the computer to bits and not be able to put the peices back as i took a picture and relised it didnt help at all as i could relise where everything was meant to go.
computer analysis and design (SAD) is a unit that incorperates the analysis of a current system and it allows you to create an improved sytem that will help a business.

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